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Bernstein Painting - Supplying Superior Kansas Painting Services

Even if your Kansas painting needs are commercial or residential, Bernstein Painting offers the painting services in Kansas for the undertaking. Our professional solutions are paired with a high level of customer care. At Bernstein Painting, we realize far too well how significant it is to fit the services to the work, and that's why we offer top quality painting in Kansas Ohio, Seneca county. We can tackle one of the most boring, but basic ways to take care of your house in a timely, professional manner. Keep reading to discover the responses to a few of our frequently asked questions.

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Services We Offer

  • Interior Painting

    Interior house painting is a cost effective way to transform any room in your home. The appearance of your home is important not only for yourself, but for your guests and friends.

  • Exterior Painting

    Exterior home painting is an aesthetic decision as well as a practical one. Many homeowners will delay painting their house without realizing the harm they are causing to the integrity of their home.

  • Power Washing

    You should pressure wash your house regularly to keep mold, mildew, and debris from taking their toll on your paint job. Not only will it improve the overall appearance of your home, but will give your great curb appeal.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Q. How will my carpets and rugs be taken care of?

A. Our painters utilize special clothes to protect floor covering, some painters use plastic, a few utilize expendable canvases. Bernstein Painting continually takes special care to handle all carpetings, furnishings plus floorboards.

Q. Just how much paint do I require to paint my Kansas OH painting project?

A. The total amount of paint needed to paint your property relies on the actual size of your home. Let us show up and perform complete measurements first, before we can check what amount of paint should be used for each project. The exact quantity needed is a large consideration in determining exactly how much we bill for the task.

Q. What type of paint does a person need to buy?

A. There're diverse varieties of painting jobs that have to have assorted types of paint. By way of example, you are likely to need to apply a high gloss paint on inner surface doors and decorations. The surfaces in a shower room, master bedroom or halls need to be finished with a glossy coating. Living rooms typically need enamel coating, et cetera. Our Burgoon painters can certainly identify the style of paint to utilize in each living space of the house on a specific basis. We also advise on the best variety of external paints for many different materials, like stucco, vinyl building material and ceramic outer wall structures.

Q. What paint color styles do I have to apply?

A. Paint will not survive permanently. Nevertheless, it can be used many times in a tin when it's stored well. Should there is unused paint and you are unclear whether or not it is still fine to take advantage of for touch ups at a later date, go ahead and bring the can to us so that we can assess if it is still good. At minimum, we will set the can on a paint shaker to ensure the aged paint is blended completely for you just as before.

Q. If I wish to paint my Kansas OH home, exactly how much is it going to set me back?

A. There's no direct response to this query as it relies on a few specifics, such as: how large your place is, how many applications of paint are necessary, the time it may take and the number of painters forced.

Q. What about color styles?

A. Choosing a classy color for the home can be difficult, but Bernstein Painting Kansas painters are here to help. Our Kansas painters will present you with information plus customer support. You will obviously need to consider the hue of existing materials in the residence, prior to selecting a fresh color layout. When you're undecided, getting the assistance of an experienced Kansas, Ohio interior designer or painter may well put your mind at rest.

Q. When is the best time to paint my Kansas OH home?

A. For exterior projects it makes sense to stay with the hotter months, however interior endeavors are often undertaken at any time of year. We are typically busy from the spring months to autumn, so you'll want to get an appointment early in advance. Call Bernstein Painting today at 888-655-8588 for additional information.

Find Us:

Jackie Arnold 3040 Riverside Dr
Columbus, OH

Contact Us:

Phone: (614) 610-4353