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Bernstein Painting - Delivering Superior Olin Painting Services

If your Olin painting expectations are residential or commercial, Our company has the painting services in Olin for the job. Our quality services are combined with a superior benchmark of customer satisfaction. At Bernstein Painting, we realize too darn well how necessary it is to suit the services to the task, and that is why we offer high grade painting in Olin, North Carolina. We can manage one of the more boring, yet necessary means to maintain your house in a timely, expert manner. Read on to uncover the solutions to some of our frequently asked questions.

Call today 888-655-8588

Services We Offer

  • Interior Painting

    Interior house painting is a cost effective way to transform any room in your home. The appearance of your home is important not only for yourself, but for your guests and friends.

  • Exterior Painting

    Exterior home painting is an aesthetic decision as well as a practical one. Many homeowners will delay painting their house without realizing the harm they are causing to the integrity of their home.

  • Power Washing

    You should pressure wash your house regularly to keep mold, mildew, and debris from taking their toll on your paint job. Not only will it improve the overall appearance of your home, but will give your great curb appeal.

Call today 888-655-8588

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Frequently Asked Questions

Q. How much will it cost to paint the Olin NC house?

A. Understandably there's no standard pricing as a variety of factors need to be considered. The chief ones are building shape, paint layers requested, time frame needed to finish and number of Olin painters on the job.

Q. What will you utilize to safeguard my carpets?

A. All through the painting process, Bernstein Painting takes unique care to secure your rooms, furniture plus floor covering from any paint stains.

Q. When do I need to undertake a Olin NC painting task like this?

A. Generally speaking, it's much better to undertake open-air jobs during the summer, but indoor jobs can be done at any time of the year. To schedule an appointment or to get additional details, call Bernstein Painting today at 888-655-8588.

Q. Exactly how much paint will my Olin NC home need?

A. Prior to starting virtually any jobs we come and take all-inclusive measurements to ensure we can easily give you a definitive estimate, both for the actual quantity of paint, along with the total price.

Q. Just what paint colors do I need to choose?

A. Proper storage will assist your unsealed cans of paint go longer, but if you are looking to do touch-ups in the future go ahead and give the paint can to us. We will test it to determine if it's all right to utilize, and we'll put the paint can on our shaker to ensure that the old paint is blended perfectly.

Q. Exactly what paint tints do I have to choose?

A. Our Olin painting contractors are very happy to provide you with support regarding selecting the most appropriate colors for your project, and we all know that at times folks have a hard time picking out something which is attractive. For making things convenient Bernstein Painting offers you a convenient color wheel. Specific other variables can influence the best color to paint the house with, like the materials used in the dwelling itself. For example, if your property has lots of brick in and out, you'd probably prefer to choose a color that will go with brick. Olin paint companies will have an experienced Olin, Iredell county interior designer on staff to assist clients pick colors that fit properly with any type of property.

Q. Which is the recommended kind of paint to purchase?

A. The sort of coating that needs to be employed depends on the Olin painting job at hand. For instance, the paint our clients will use on household front doors plus trims will differ from paint you utilize in other areas of your household. The experienced Olin painting contractors at Bernstein Painting will help you to find out the optimum paint to use in each and every single situation. Our Harmony painters may be able to also provide you with valuable advice on exterior paints.

Find Us:

Lionel Castro 3800 Arco Corporate Dr
Charlotte, NC

Contact Us:

Phone: (704) 727-4499